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Dr. Raffaella Suriano received her M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (2005) and her PhD in Materials Engineering (2010) from Politecnico di Milano.
Academic Appointments
Dr. Raffaella Suriano joined the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta" at Politecnico di Milano as an assistant professor in June 2018 and was promoted to a tenure-track assistant professor position in December 2019. In 2012, she served as a visiting scholar in the Centre of Molecular Nanometrology, Dept. of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK), supervised by Prof. D. Graham.
Teaching Experience
Since 2018, she has taught for the course of Material Technologies for Fashion at the Design School, and of Design and for the courses of Technology Laboratory and Advanced Organic Coatings (2019) at Industrial Engineering and Information School (Politecnico di Milano). Since 2011, she has been supervisor and co-supervisor of more than 25 students for their bachelor theses and more than 10 students for the master theses for the School of Industrial and Information Engineering (Politecnico di Milano).
Research Activities
Her main research interests include innovative polymers and resins for additive manufacturing and 4D printing, development of smart self-healing polymers, sustainable and bio-based materials, surface functionalization, study of structure-property relationships for advanced coatings and surfaces, nano-mechanical characterization of hydrogels and polymers. She has been actively involved in numerous projects, particularly in the Horizon 2020 European project, named "FiberEUse" (Project ID 730323) for the reprocessing of recycled composites and in the 7FP European project, named “MicroFLUID” (Project ID 224205) for the study of femtosecond laser-ablated polymer surfaces. She also collaborates with many Italian and multinational companies such as STMicroelectronics and Solvay.
She received the Seal of Excellence for the project proposal 3D HYDRO-PROBES, entitled “3D PRinting Of conductive HYDROgels for Bio-mimetic E-Skin”, submitted under the Horizon 2020’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) call H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 of 14th of September 2016. The proposal was evaluated by an international panel of independent experts and gained a final score of 92.4%.
Professional Service
She serves as a reviewer for international journals such as Applied Surface Science, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Macromolecular Rapid Communication, Progress in Organic Coatings, and Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
Website of the research group: http://chiplab.chem.polimi.it