11 March | Polipropilene e Polichina

Posted on  3/11/2021

On March 11, 2021 our Department celebrates a double anniversary: ​​we celebrate the 67th birthday of polypropylene and 1 year from the first production of Polichina.

It was also a Thursday in 1954, when on 11 March Giulio Natta wrote the famous "made of polypropylene" in his diary, and from that moment the world has changed and the impact of the discovery has modified the lifestyle of the whole planet.

In a different way, but with an equally global impact, the pandemic has shocked the world as we knowed. It has passed a year since, by a strange coincidence on the same day, was produced the first supply of Polichina and to date we have exceeded 107,000 liters of sanitizing liquid that has reached all of Lombardy and the neighboring regions, beyond at Politecnico di Milano.

Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” is also this: putting one's knowledge at the service of the community to favor the improvement of the reality that surrounds us.


Polipropilene (in Italian)
> Polichina
