Posted on  7/1/2022

Dr Mark Bajada, Marie Skłodowska Curie fellow at Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta", thanks to his curriculum and the project he is currently working on, has been selected to participate in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, the prestigious scientific conference held since 1951 to bring together Nobel laureates and young scientists to foster scientific exchange between different generations, cultures, and disciplines.

His MSCA project, funded by the European Commission, is SSEFR - Single-Site Electrocatalytic Flow Reactor for C-C Coupling. Its aim is to identify and create new heterogeneous catalysts capable of conducting chemical reactions in a more sustainable manner. Dr Bajada is supervised by Prof. Gianvito Vilé.


What is the topic of your MSCA Fellowship?

Mark Bajada: My MSCA project is focused on the development of new catalytic materials for the conversion of renewable energy, in the form of electricity (electrocatalysts) or sunlight (photocatalysts), into valorized chemical bonds.

Why did you choose Politecnico di Milano for your MSCA Fellowship?

I chose Politecnico di Milano for its outstanding reputation within the scientific and engineering disciplines. Specifically, the Vilé Group at Politecnico di Milano is internationally recognized for pioneering contributions in the field of single-atom catalysts, a new class of materials which merge the benefits of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; this background complements the aims of my MSCA fellowship.

I am also very interested in Italian culture and lifestyle, and Milan strikes a good balance between national and international aspects.

Why is the Lindau event important for your development and your MSCA project?

At the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting dedicated to Chemistry, I have the chance to meet around 30 Nobel Laureates in person and over 600 young scientists from 90 different countries. This opportunity allows me to learn from all branches of chemistry. I am also interacting with like-minded individuals and share thoughts and ideas about our project in Milan with a strong network of scientists in a mutually beneficial manner.

This experience, and the connections I am making, will ultimately help me in achieving my goal to become a leading researcher within the field of sustainable chemistry.

